There are two ways for submitting new theses:
1. Individual thesis
You are welcome to submit new projects and help our database to grow. Please click on <Contribute> and on <Submit single thesis>. Then you will see a form for your abstract.
When you enter the data for your project(s) it would be nice to submit as much precise information as possible. However, it is also possible to submit a project with its very basic data only, because even that might be a great help for other users. All fields with an asterisk (*) are compulsory. The abstract of a thesis in English is required, the abstract in the original language (if not English) and a link to the fulltext are among the optional fields.
After your submission you'll have to wait for a moderator to review your submission. This will be done about once a month, and your abstract will be visible only after the review.
2. Import from other databases
Please contact us if you already have the research data in the ReferenceManager or some other database, which you would like to share with the osteopathic community. It is very likely that there is a possibility of importing this particular data directly into our database, without the need of retyping.
Another option is to:
- download this spreadsheet
- copy and paste your data into the table
- and send the completed form to us by email
- so we can import it into our database.
It would be most helpful to have the basic information on the projects in our database in English, even if the full text is written in another language. However, we also accept entries in other languages.